Island pines on Round Lake 360 nature panorama

I had spent much of the day in June 2001, photographing the Round Lake area for the Adirondack Nature Conservancy. After paddling in, I'd hiked down the outlet a ways with Bill Brown from the Conservancy, taken some photos along the way, and then headed back to the lake. One last stop I wanted to make was to take a look at the view from one of the prominent islands on the western side of the lake.

The northern part of the island was quite a rockpile, with little nearby brush or trees to obstruct a panorama. The clear, bright sun was settling lower in the western sky, but still wasn't where it would cause a problem in the photograph. The stately pines swayed in the early summer breeze, and just enough wind ruffled the water to reflect a shimmering, sparkling glow from the sun.

I was alone on the lake except for a couple of loons who stayed nearby, curious about what I was doing on the lake and the island. I found one of their nests on the way out - a mix of mud and grasses just above the surface of the water in a shallow area not far from the shoreline. Deer wandered along the edge of the water, and off in the distance I heard a turkey gobbling.

This wonderful tract of land is being protected - and will eventually be opened for public recreational use - through the efforts of the Adirondack Nature Conservancy. For more information on how you can help protect this wild place - and others like it in the Adirondacks - please CLICK HERE.

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